Stay On: An Afternoon of New Poetry, AAPI Activism, + Exchange
Sunday, November 17, 2024
World’s Borough Bookshop (3406 73rd St, Jackson Heights)
2 pm Readings by Pichchenda Bao,
Emmy Catedral, & Paolo Javier
2:30 Mini-Fair
3 pm FREE Self Defense Workshop
facilitated by Deena Hadhoud of
Poets of Queens Press is thrilled to invite you to the book launch of Near Your Mirror Home (Stay On) by Paolo Javier. The former Queens Poet Laureate (2010-2014), Javier will read from his timely new book of oneiric poetry, joined by Queens authors Pichchenda Bao and Emmy Catedral, along with representatives from the following non-profit organizations committed to dismantling anti-AAPI hate through art, action, community solutions, mutual aid, & allyship:
Kimberly Powell, Asians Fighting Injustice (@asiansfightinginjustice)
Sarinya Srisakul, Angryasianwomxn (@angryasianwomxn)
Chong Gu, Red Canary Song (@redcanarysong)
Ming Lin, Canal Street Research Association (@canal_street_research)
Deena Hadhoud, Malikah (@wearemalikah)
Natalie Bedon, Flushing Town Hall (@flushing_town_hall)
A Q&A, signing, and mini fair will take place immediately following the readings. As well, there will be a FREE self defense workshop covering an introduction to situational awareness, verbal strategies, and physical deescalation facilitated by Deena Hadhoud of Malikah. Copies of Near Your Mirror Home (Stay On) will also be available for purchase through World’s Borough Bookshop.
Advance praise for Near Your Mirror Home (Stay On):
“With deceptive ease, Javier shuttles back and forth between the local and the global, the individual and the collective, the personal and the public, the mythic and the contemporary. If this sounds like magick, that’s because it is.” - Michael Leong
“As with all of Paolo Javier’s poetic works, he brilliantly fathoms lines with a “unique interior of hollowed-out meaning to write expressively” and urgently engages both the metropolis and its burdens producing compelling recurrences that innovate space, speech, and sound.” - Prageeta Sharma
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